Spring Cleaning: Clear the Clutter
The snow is melting and the sun is finally here! Spring brings a fresh feeling—even better than New Year's, in my opinion—and the itch to get your house in order is so strong that Spring Cleaning is nationally recognized.
So Spring Cleaning is a thing, but how do we do it well? Here are my easy cleaning tips to get your home feeling as fresh as the outdoors!
1. Focus your efforts on the areas you "live in" most.
In my home, that's the living area and kitchen. Get rid of items you no longer need or use. Have a kitchen tool out on your counter and haven't used it in 3 weeks? Put it in the pantry or in a cabinet.
2. Set a "fun" cleaning schedule.
Pick one song or create a playlist that gets you moving and grooving, and just clean daily to that specific music! My kids honestly really get into it, so it's a fun thing to do with my family. For one, studies show that dancing as a family creates stronger social bonds to one another * and two, many hands make light work. Or simply doing it on your own and rock it out while cleaning up your space is such a great feeling too!
3. Put a label on it.
This is the one time labeling is definitely a good thing! It helps your family members easily see what should—or should not—go into a bin. It's the best thing I've ever implemented with my family!
4. Find a "home" for your floating items.

Is there a particular counter or space that is always cluttered? Go through the types of items that tend to accumulate there and create a "home" for them elsewhere.
For instance, my preschooler makes a lot of crafts and my other kids do a lot of artwork as well, so we use our custom cork boards in their rooms to proudly display their artwork. Another paper mess that tends to pile up are all those school handouts that are important to keep or the coupons you've been eyeing. Our custom cork boards are perfect for cleaning up your counter tops and fridge space.
* resources: 1. bonding through dance: https://anthropology.emory.edu/people/bios/tarr-bronwyn.html